Trusted by 10,000+ companies
65 years of behavioral science
350+ validity studies
42 million assessments delivered
The Predictive Index Packages
PI Inspire
50 - 1,000
seat licenses
Get workstyle assessment reports for your entire team using The Predictive Index flagship software:
Get a deeper understanding of the four main behavioral drives that compose your signature work style
In-depth scientific analysis of the core needs and drives of your colleagues
Actionable strategies for interacting more effectively with 17 different work styles
Dedicated certified partner for coaching on how to use the tool for leveraging team strengths and avoiding blind spots
How does The Predictive Index
sell their reports?
The Predictive Index (PI) does not have its own direct sales team. Instead, the PI uses a network of Certified Partners who are authorized to sell their behavioral workstyle tools through personalized consulting relationships.
My name is Aaron Andrade and if you're looking to use the PI, I can help. I am a former client of the PI and a Certified Partner specializing in the PI Inspire and PI Design software modules. Work with me to seamlessly navigate the process of bringing PI to your organization.
PI Design
1 - 25
team licenses
Get a full team workstyle assessment with insights about your team dynamics:
Insights on how contrasting and overlapping work styles affect teammate relationships
A "big reveal" for your unique team type, complete with strengths and potential blind spots as a group
Interactive exercises for group engagement focused on simple action planning
Customized recommendations based on your team type, proven to help hit strategic goals